PHP: Best way to get the first element of an array

2014-03-19 00:00:00 IN1 , 2023-04-10 14:16:28 IN1

Q: how to determine the value of the first element of an array if the key is unknown ?

A: make use of the reset command to set the array pointer back to start and to get the value of the array's first element.

// associative array
$aArray = array(
    'foo' => 'bar', 
    'john' => 'doe'

// value of array's first element
$mValue = reset($aArray); // bar

// key of array's first element
$mKey = key(reset($aArray)); // foo

// value of array's first element
$mValue = $aArray[key(reset($aArray))]; // bar
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