VO2max Calculator 🏃Running

2015-11-23 00:00:00 IN1 , 2023-04-10 14:16:28 IN1

VO2max Calculator calculates the maximum oxygen uptake based on pace, training heart rate, resting heart rate and maximum heart rate. This tool is based on the VO2 scores formula of Alan Couzens and weights against standard evaluations for VO2max from the Cooper Institute.

VO2max 🏃 Running = (210/ "Pace in min/km") / (( – ) / ( – ))

VO2max = (210/P)/((THR-RHR)/(MHR-RHR)) = ?

bad sufficient good excellent outstanding
Auto calculate Max heart rate by by Winfried Spanaus' Formula [(223 - 0.9 * age) = ] [(226 - 1.0 * age) = ]
by setting your age + gender


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