Javascript onbeforeunload
IN1, 2018-04-19 00:00:00
IN1, 2023-04-10 14:16:29

Javascript Event onbeforeunload is triggered when a page is exited. A browser confirmation dialog is displayed. Here is a function that creates a way to switch the confirmation dialog on and off if required.


 * switches eventlistener to onbeforeunload on/off
 * @see
 * @param boolean bState | default=true (aktiv)
 * @returns boolean
fu […]

php: filter double dot und double slash from String
IN1, 2018-04-15 00:00:00
IN1, 2023-04-10 14:16:29


 * @param string $sAbsoluteFilePath
 * @return string
function secureFilePath($sAbsoluteFilePath = '')
    $sAbsoluteFilePath = removeDoubleDotSlashesFromString($sAbsoluteFilePath);
    $sAbsoluteFilePath = replaceMultipleForwardSlashesByOneFromString($sAbsoluteFilePath);

    /**@var string */
    return $sAbsoluteFilePath;

 * @param string $sString
 * @return string
function removeDoubleDotSlashesFromString($sString = '')

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